Newsy News: Another Musical and Some Gamey Stuff I Won’t Say Much About Yet

March 1st, 2012

So March and April are shaping up to be pretty busy. I’ve signed on to sound design a second show with Moonbox Productions; this time, we’re putting on Floyd Collins. When I say “we,” I really mean “they,” because they do all the heavy lifting and are just kind enough to let me hang out with them and make noise and spend money. I think they keep me around, because I can reach things on top shelves and because I keep the lighting guy, Jeff, occupied. (hi Jeff!)

I feel a bit silly getting all gushy and excited about a project (I am a professional after all, right?), but this is such an awesome and talented crew of people, I almost worry about not appreciating the whole experience while it’s here.

Anyways, before I get too mushy and make the production meetings awkward, about the show itself – it’s a musical based on the true story of some guy in Kentucky in 1925 who got stuck in a cave and died and all the people who profited off his misfortune instead of helping him. Think Baby Jessica before tv and with a tragic ending. Yeah, it sounds gloomy, but it’s good, so you should come see it and support the arts and help us pay rent and buy beer (not necessarily in that order). It’s playing at the Boston Center for the Arts in the Plaza Theater and opens Friday April 6. We run all of that weekend and the following weekend. For more information, including gorgeous headshots and hilarious cast/crew bios, visit

Game stuff: for the last couple months, I’ve been working off-and-on (a couple days, every couple weeks) for <game company> doing <game-related stuff> and a couple weeks ago, they asked me to come work for them on a temporary, full-time basis, at least through this phase of <my particular part of the project>. So between that and the musical, I’m taking at least a 5-6 week leave of absence from Mercenary. I’ll probably be going back here and there at night and on weekends to help with some of the computer and bookkeeping things that only I know how to do, but during the days, someone else will be answering your e-mails and taking your phone calls. Actually, I try to avoid talking on the phone to customers as much as possible, so someone else was taking your calls already. But it was me who punched your info into the credit card machine, so that’ll be different. I’ve trained my replacement to copy and paste his generic responses with the same passion and concern that you’ve come to expect from me.

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